
Chinese Speech and Drama programme | Apple Pie Language

Chinese Speech and Drama programme | Apple Pie Language

Chinese Speech and Drama programme | Apple Pie Language

Chinese Speech and Drama programme | Apple Pie Language

Chinese Speech and Drama programme | Apple Pie Language
Chinese Speech and Drama programme | Apple Pie Language

2025 Enrichment Programmes 

Enrolment open for Term 2


Registration open for 2025 intake

Active and Interactive learning

through play and fun



Learn Chinese 

the fun and interactive way

Have a whale of a time

at Apple Pie Language

From food crafts to songs and from dance to the making of their own props, our creative teaching ideas are constantly updated and evolving! We do not “teach” to learn, we give children the environment, props, first-hand involvement and reflective learning opportunities to retain the learning experiences.

Program Line Up

Select your choices of class to attend

A fun-tastic experience

learning Chinese with Apple Pie!

At Apple Pie Language, children learn to listen, speak, read, write and perform in Mandarin through storytelling and performing arts. Its speech and drama programmes, tailored for kids aged three to eight, are designed not only to equip your child with essential Chinese language skills; they also help nurture a love for the language and build their confidence as they act out various roles in a series of theatre productions.

Ruth & Titus
Ruth & Titus

My children, Ruth and Titus, thoroughly enjoyed the above Chinese Holiday Camp, conducted by Apple Pie teachers during the June holidays. It made such a deep impression on them, that even weeks after the camp, they are still re-enacting scenes from the play they put up on the last day! Ruth has a...

Ruth & Titus                

Chinese Holiday Camp (包公审石)The Trial of the Rock

Charlotte Tan
Charlotte Tan

Charlotte started Apple Pie without speaking a word of Chinese. Half a year later, my girl is now able to sing and understand Mandarin. Teachers at Apple Pie have made learning Chinese fun for Charlotte. Charlotte always looks forward to going to school! Learning materials are colourful and attra...

Charlotte Tan                

Junior Chinese Club (PlayGroup) (小豆苗乐园(早教))

Ng Zi Ning Janelle
Ng Zi Ning Janelle

Janelle is a rather shy and quiet girl, so I sent her to this class to build up her confidence to present herself in front of an audience and also to inculcate her interest in Chinese Language. She seldom speaks Mandarin at home, but she can say some of the Chinese poems learnt in the class at ho...

Ng Zi Ning Janelle                

Chinese Theatre (创意演艺班)

Ang Yong Zhe Darren
Ang Yong Zhe Darren

Darren always looks forward to his Chinese Theatre Class every Saturday. The class conducted by Bella 老师 is very enjoyable, with fun activities he enjoys (such as interesting craft work too, apart from song and dance). Bella老师 conducts the class in a lively manner, and this engages all the ch...

Ang Yong Zhe Darren                

Chinese Theatre (创意演艺班)

David Shane Tan
David Shane Tan

Having lived overseas for many years, my son returned to Singapore not just being a ‘zero’ in the Chinese Language, but he was resistant to learn. I praise the teachers for providing him with an environment to be exposed to & learn the language in a fun and non-threatening way. They were also...

David Shane Tan                

P1 Chinese Prep Class (小一华文预备班)

Elias Guo Zuo Rui 郭祚睿
Elias Guo Zuo Rui 郭祚睿


- 汤雪琦

Elias Guo Zuo Rui 郭祚睿                

Junior Chinese Club (Me and Mummy/Daddy) (小豆苗乐园(亲子班))

Program Schedules